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Thanks to a generous donation from the Swiss Lung Foundation, every year the Swiss Aerosol Group (SAG) can award a prize of 5000 CHF for the best scientific publication in the field of international Aerosol research, written from within Switzerland.

The prize will be awarded at the annual SAG conference, which takes place in November. The Prize Commission will decide the choice of the prize winner. The winner will present the awarded work at the annual conference.


  • As a rule, the publication should come from a Swiss university, clinic, or research institute, and most of the work should have been performed in Switzerland. It should also demonstrate the relevance of the work to health and the environment.
  • Preference should be given to younger researchers not older than 35 who do not yet have a permanent / tenure track position, to support talented young researchers in aerosol science.
  • The manuscript can be written in German, French, or English and must either be accepted for publication by a peer-reviewed journal or have been published for no longer than one year.

The prize goes to the first author.


The application must include:

  1. A nomination proposal
  2. A curriculum vitae including a list of publications
  3. A copy of the manuscript of the published work

The documents must be submitted in a PDF document by August 31 of the year in which the SAG Annual Conference takes place in November to the following address: submit Documents  or via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Prize Commission:

  • Prof. Dr. Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser (Adolphe Merkle Institute, University of Fribourg) (Committee Chair)
  • Prof. Dr. Beatrice Beck-Schimmer (University of Zurich)
  • Dr. med. Otto Brändli (President, Swiss Lung Foundation)
  • Prof. em. Dr. Peter Gehr (University of Bern)
  • MSc Lara Lüthi (Family Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation)
  • Prof. Dr. Wendelin Stark (ETH Zurich)

Communication of the prize:

The prize winner will be introduced on the website of the Swiss Lung Foundation and is requested to write a review article about the subject of the nominated work in a relevant journal.

Fribourg/Zürich, 27.06.2024

pdfDownload SAG-Preis_Reglement-2025209.09 KB


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